Launching targeted advertising
Website promotion on bankruptcy of legal entities
Website promotion on cold traffic
Launching targeted advertising
Website promotion on bankruptcy of legal entities
Website promotion on cold traffic
Payback of advertising in  15 times
Sale of services for more than $15,000 with advertising costs of less than $1,000
3-4 deals with ads per month
Getting started

A lawyer contacted me with a comment about the fact that they have practically no online sales and it is necessary to correct this situation.

After analyzing the niche and the target audience, it was decided to launch Targeted Advertisement on Facebook and Instagram.

  • ~$1000
    Advertising costs for the reporting period
  • 3-4 deals
    Ddeals with ads for  month
  • ~ $5000
    Average transaction price
Accordingly, the advertising paid off. Considering that every new buyer gives a good word of mouth
To get a consultation on the account promotion, write to us
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