Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Telegram, Vkontakte
Complete Management of Social Networks (12)
from $1000 / the exact cost depends on the number of publications (stories, posts, clips), as well as on the complexity of the work
  • -1-
    Personal consultation on your socials
  • -2-
    Advanced analytics on your account, USP, target audience, competitors
  • -3-
    Setting project goals
  • -4-
    Content strategy and content planning, visual brand concept, brand positioning
  • -5-
    Account design: catchy bio, highlights, links
  • -6-
    Working with stories: content plan, editing and designing
  • -7-
    Working with the visual feed: recomendations (technical assignment) for a photo shoot, photo editing, composing a feed, creating video covers
  • -8-
    Working with posts: copywriting/rewriting of posts; working out a list of hashtags, geotags
  • -9-
    Working with Reels: drawing up a content plan, consulting on filming, editing
  • -10-
    Publication of the material
  • -11-
    Controlling of ROMI, CTR, ER
  • -12-
    Monthly reports
Why is it comfortable to work with us?
Creating a strong image
We find your strengths and all your advantages a strong image
We develop content that will be interesting to your target audience
We form an individual promotion strategy
Attracting targeted leads to your business
We know how to increase loyalty and sales
Turning subscribers into buyers
We work with the reputation of your brand
We conduct the consultation for informational purposes to get acquainted with our approach