Blog of stylish clothes for nursing mothers and pregnant women. The main positioning of the brand is the conscious right to choose. Body positive, as the attitude of a modern girl to her position.
The concept is a modern trend. A brand under the prism of dynamics and development. Easy reading, sonority and sound, helps to distinguish the brand among others.
Who we should be and how we should look is our choice. We always choose who we want to be and how we look — it’s always our choice
The advertising layouts were selected with a variety of content. We periodically promoted posts and stories
The advertising layouts were selected with a variety of content. We periodically promoted posts and stories
The advertising budget in the first month was $200 for Facebook Ads and $600 for collaborations with influencers. Due to the unforeseen circumstances, the advertising budget after a while dropped to $100 for Ads Manager, and the purchase of advertising from bloggers was temporarily stopped